
Tuesday, 27 August 2013

What:  Year 0 & 1 Sharing Afternoon
Where:  Students own classes                      
When:  Thursday 5th September 2:30-3:00 pm
Details: Students will share their learning and experiences 
from our latest topic 'Aroha'. 
We hope to see you there!!!

We have completed our calendar art. It is amazing. Come and check it out on our classroom window

Hi Everyone We are back online. This term has been so busy. We have just completed swimsafe. We really enjoyed our fabulous instructors and we loved going on the bus.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Room 19 Newsletter
Kia Ora!
Welcome back to Term 3!  I hope the children enjoyed the holidays and are returning full of energy and enthusiasm for learning. 
This term is very busy with the following events taking place:
Swim safe- 19  August to 23 August---Week 4, all Year 1 classes will be going to Te Rapa pools every day to participate in the Swimsafe programme.  It is expected that all children will swim each day and if they are unwell please keep them home.  Please ensure your child’s togs and towel are in a plastic bag in his or her school bag every morning and all belongings are named.  Just a reminder that the $25 cost is to be paid to the office.
School Cross Country – This will be held later in the term and we will be training for it as part of our class Physical Education programme.
Poetry Recital--Poetry recitals are part pf our oral language programme this term. Your child will select a poem to recite to the class. They will be encouraged to add actions, costumes or use props to add impact to their poem.
Production A school wide production will be held in week 9 of  this term. 
Pizza Day for year 0-1--Wednesday 28th of August
Following on from the Student Learning Conferences, each child has specific learning goals for reading, writing and numeracy.  I have high expectations for their progress this term and value your support at home.  When you listen to their reading every night, praise them for taking risks and having a go at tricky words using the strategies they know.  
Finally a huge welcome to our two new teachers  who will be in our room each Thursday. Welcome to Miss Jana Reichelt and Miss Danica Frampton.

I look forward to working with you and your child this term. If you have any queries or concerns please feel free to contact me. 
Kind Regards Jeanette Ward